
时间:2024-07-16 17:40:50



Part A


①形容词:angry生气的 afraid害怕的 ill生病的 worried担心的 happy高兴的



Hey, let's have some popcorn.

Yum! I'm so happy. I love popcorn!

Here you are.【1】 I'll go and get some drinks. wait for me.【2】

Hey, where is my popcorn?

Yum! It was so good.

What? How could you eat all the popcorn?!【3】We should share!

Mum, if I feel angry, what should I do?【4】

Well,first,take a deep breath. 【5】Then you should count to ten.

After that...?

After that, you won't feel so angry.

Mum, I feel ill. Should I count to ten,too?

No,dear,you should see a doctor.

1、Here you are!给你!


①在倒装句中,如果主语是人称代词,则主语与谓语不倒装,构成“Here/there/away...+ 主语 + 谓语动词”部分倒装结构。

例句:Here we are!我们到了!

Away he went!他离开了!


例句:Here comes the bus!公共汽车来了

There goes, Mike!麦克走去那边了

2、wait 等待; wait for sb/sth 等待某人/某物

3、How could you eat all the popcorn?!你怎么能吃光所有的爆米花?!



这是一个由how引导的含有情态动词could的特殊疑问句,其基本句型为:how could + sb + 动词原形 + 其他;该句型意为“某人怎么能做某事呢?” ,用于表示震惊、强烈反感或愤怒。其中could也可以换为can。

How can you say that?你怎么可以说那样的话?!

How can you eat up my apples?你怎么可以吃光我的苹果?!

4、If I feel angry, what should I do?


Feel angry, “感觉是生气的/感觉很生气”

Feel 是连系动词,连系动词兼有be动词和行为动词的双重性质。


I feel ill 我感觉是生病的/ 我感觉生病了!

I don't feel ill 我没感觉生病!

Do you feel ill?你感觉生病了吗?

What should I do?我应该做什么?

5、Well,first,take a deep breath.


First,意为“第一” ,是one的序数词,“第一”经常引申为“首先”的意思,表示句子里的谓语动作是最先/第一个做的!

Let's clean the bedroom first!让我们首先来打扫房间!


Sam:What's this cartoon about?【1】

Saran:It's about a cat. The cat is a police officer.

Sam:He chases the mice. They're afraid of 【2】him.


Sam:Because the mice are bad. They hurt people. The cat is angry with【3】 them.

Saran:Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!【4】

1、What's this cartoon about?


I want to see a film about space travel我想看一部太空旅行的电影

Be about sth,“是关于......的”

划线部分提问:It is about a cat.

What is it about?

2、be afraid of... 对...是很害怕的;害怕......

Children are always afraid of ghost.

The mice are afraid of cats

3、be angry with... 对...是很生气的;生....的气

Because Mike doesn't finish homework,the teacher is angry with him.

She is angry with me

4、Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!

Maybe,意为“也许......”, 一般放在句首;


Sarah is watching TV in the living room

Mike is reading bookstore in the study

Part B


See a doctor看医生 do more exercise 做更多的运动

Wear warm clothes穿暖和的衣服 take a deep breath深呼吸

Count to ten数到十


Mum:Sarah,Sam,come here【1】,please.

Sarah:What's wrong?【2】

Mum:Your father is ill.He should see a doctor this morning, so we can't go to the zoo today.

Sam:Oh, no!

Mum:Don't be sad. 【3】We can go next time.【4】

Sam:How does Dad feel now?【5】

Mum:Not well.Let's go to the hospital!

1、come here,“来这里” ,反义词:go there “去那边”

2、What's wrong?直译:“ 什么是错的,有问题的?”

引申:“ 怎么了?/ 有什么问题?”


其后可以接上介词with,引入对象,“ what is wrong with sb/sth?” 。

What is wrong with you?

Mike broke my glasses,I feel angry.

What is wrong with your computer?

My computer doesn't work.

同义句:what is wrong with sb/sth? = what is the matter with sb/sth?

3、Don't be sad!不要难过了!


在祈使句中,don't 后面可以加两类谓语动作,即1类含有be动词的状态类动作,也可以加2类含有行为动词的具体动作;

Don't be angry 不要(是生气了的)状态 → 不要生气了

Don't be worried 不要(是担心的)状态 → 不要担心

Don't worry 不要担心

Don't cry 不要哭

4、next time 下一次

Next,意为“下一个......” ,next weekend 下周末,next Monday 下一星期一

5、How does dad feel now?

这是用来询问某人感受的句型,既可以用来询问情绪,也可以用于询问身体状况。其基本句型为: How do/does sb feel+其他?,意为:某人感觉如何?

回答: I feel happy.

划线部分提问: How do you feel?

How does she feel?

She feels hungry

三、read and write重要句子

1、It is a sunny morning = it is sunny


It's + a + 描述天气的形容词 + morning/day/... = it is + 描述天气的形容词


What is the weather like?= How is the weather? 天气如何?

描述天气的形容词:sunny晴朗的 snowy下雪的 rainy下雨的

cloudy多云的. windy有风的

2、He is stuck in the mud. 他陷在泥里了;

Be stuck in... 陷在....里

3、It is the ant and all of his friends. 原来是那个小蚂蚁和它的朋友们

All of 全部的......

4、they pull Robin out of the mud 它们把罗宾从泥土里拉出来

Pull ... out of sth 从...把...拉出来

Pull out 拉出来, of 从......地方

The monkey king throw Zac away of the tree

I get out of the teacher's office

四、story time重要句子

1、My favorite TV show is on soon

在这里,on 不是介词“在......上面”的意思,在这里它是形容词,意为“开着的;发生着的,正在进行中的”

The light is on. 灯还开着

2、He must be making lots of popcorn


He is making lots of popcorn → He must be making lots of popcorn

You are joking → you must be joking

3、I'm a lttle worried now

A little,意为“一点点......” , 可放在形容词或者不可数名词前面,表示一点点......

I' a little hungry 我有一点点饿了

There is a little water in the bottle 瓶子里还有一点点水

4、but they take a long time to grow



在这个句子里,to grow 是用修饰它前面的名词time,time to grow,即“生长的时间”, 用动词不定式后置的方式来修饰名词的做法是非常常见的。

She make a decision to watch TV

名词 动词不定式

I have a good friend to play with

名词 动词不定式

